Easy To Build Steel Shelf - Home Ideas

Kee Klamp steel shelving can be easily customised and adapted to suit the available space within a room. The fittings are a great problem solver because they can accommodate many different designs. Timber shelves can then be added to add an individual flavour to the unit. The end result is a visually pleasing shelving unit which is easy to install and looks good within a home or business.

Our shelf fittings provided an ideal solution for Ray who was looking to maximise space within his home. He wanted to arrange the unit to accommodate a TV and window, while also being able to hold as many items as possible, such as DVDs, toys and books.

diy shelving

Connecting The Shelf

Although there are a few ways of connecting the timber shelves, Ray wanted to drill the timber to allow the tube uprights to pass through. A 25-6 Three Socket Tee would then hold the shelf in place, while providing a strut to hold the back of the shelf. Here, it would sit on a 15-6 Elbow fitting. This element of the design ensured a clever look to the unit.

Sourcing The Timber

After discussing the project and receiving a copy of his sketch, we kept in contact while Ray looked to purchase suitable timber shelves. He told me that it was a bit of a problem as many hardwares only provided timber to a very specific width. The good thing was that we could easily adjust the distance of the uprights from the walls to suit, without really affecting the design.

Upon receipt of the shelf measurements, we could then cut all the tubing to size to make things easier for Ray. After installation, he then stained the timber to provide the look he needed, which best suited the decour of his room.

custom shelf

Smaller Shelves

The small shelves either side created a perfect place to display DVDs within easy reach of the TV. These contained the same fittings configuration underneath the shelf, while a 75-6 Collar fitting on the top helped to hold the shelf down and keep it balanced. This gave a floating effect to the shelves and only added to the aesthetics.

Staggering The Shelving

Ray kept the overall height as close to the ceiling as possible to give loads of room and enable him to add many rows within the unit. This provided 6 rows in total, with some of the shelving staggered. This ensured greater height room on some of the shelves for larger objects, but also broke them up to give a better look.

home diy shelf

Fixing To The Walls

The shelving unit was securely fixed to the walls using 61-6 Wall Flanges and 4x countersunk screws. These wouldn’t be taking any weight as the uprights on each side of the units would transfer the weight down into the ground. The same Flanges are used in the bottom of the uprights and can be screwed into place to stop movement in or out from the wall.

If it’s not possible to screw to the ground, the uprights can either be stuck or a strut can be inserted near the base of the upright and fixed to the wall. As always, it is better to fix into either a timber stud or block wall if possible, though specialised plasterboard screws can also be used.

Discuss Your Project

We understand that building shelves with fittings can seem like a daunting task, due to the amount of fittings involved within the Kee Klamp range. There are however, only a limited number of fittings which are actually needed. Despite this, we always encourage giving us a call to discuss your project. This way, we can not only advise you on what may look the best, but also how you may be able to alter your design to make your shelf project look better, while keeping down the price.

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